Dear QEC and KCHSS friends
Reunion 2010
I am writing to invite you to the next QE(K)A Reunion planned for October 2nd in the River Room and nearby lecture theatre on the first floor of the main building of King’s Strand campus.
Our guest speaker will be Professor Mike Black who worked in the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and University of Swansea before joining QEC Biology Department. He survived the merger with King's and ended his working relationship with KCL in 2004. He is a plant physiologist with research interests largely in plant development, especially effects of light (photomorphogenesis) and seed biology.
His talk is entitled "The seedy side of life"
Further details of the day appear on a separate page. Please return your reply to Henry Embling by 20th September so that catering numbers can be confirmed.
Envoy 2010
We extend our thanks, once again, to Lyn Embling for editing and producing Envoy over the past few years and to the numerous contributors. Envoy 2010 should also be available to download from the web-site ( in the near future.
We would still appreciate any news, information, articles, photos etc., about yourselves or colleagues. Please write or e-mail to Lyn Embling with any reminiscences, anecdotes or general interest articles for inclusion in Envoy 2011.
QE(K)A is run informally with the assistance of the members of the Committee. Please contact one of the Committee if you are interested in contributing to the Association in any way or would like to join the Committee. Committee meetings are held twice yearly and help keep the wheels turning in between times. Main contact details are on our web site and on the back cover of Envoy.
I shall be standing down from the post of Chair of the Association at the AGM in October. So far we have received no nominations for the position but I would ask all members to consider stepping forward for a period as I believe that, if the responsibility (such as it is) is shared around, then nobody need feel that in taking on the role they have taken on a ‘job for life’.
Gary Thomas has continued to run this web site which has been growing steadily as has its number of monthly 'hits' - so we know many of you are logging in to take a look. Do let him know what you think or include suggestions for possible improvements ().
You may also be aware that former colleagues from QEC/KCHSS, school and work can be found at Why not register there as well, or at least take a look.
Contact Details
Please pass on our details (email addresses, website) to any friends or colleagues who may be interested in the Association’s activities. Increasing the number that get to hear of our events and Reunions can be of benefit to all.
Please spare the time to fill-in and return the separate sheet for changes to personal details and contact preferences, if relevant. If you prefer to receive future information via e-mail, please let us know. We will use contact details you conveyed to us last year unless otherwise informed.
I do hope that you will stay in touch with the organisation and hope to see you at the Reunion in October.
Kind regards
John Brockhouse