Gillian Cockroft (nee Harries) B.Sc. 1964 contacted the webmaster in Feb 2004 :
Hi, I am a past student of QEC. I graduated in '64 (I do believe) from the Biochem/Zoology BSc program. My name was Gillian Harries - now Gillian Cockcroft. I have been widowed for the past 20 years and brought my three kids up myself, thankfully they have all turned out very well.
I emigrated to Canada in 1966 and worked in Biochem at the University of Toronto and th University of Guelph. However the past 20 yrs I have been selling real estate in Oakville, Ontario. I play tennis on competitive teams and squash and badminton for fun. I train in order to stay fit. I no longer play lacrosse.
I often wonder how my old class mates are. Alas, I don’t remember too many names. Is Neville Marsh the Neville with glasses who would have been around about the same time as me? Has anyone heard from Apollo Plato Econimedes (spelling?) and his side kick Mick Cannon? Gary Balien Went to the States I do believe.
The only people I still keep in touch with are my old flat mates Gwen (Bakewell) Singleton and Betty (Pryor) Cooper. My head must have been in the clouds during my years at QE because I remember very little. Prof Robinson was my Biochem prof and was a very nice chap. I think Price was another lecturer in the Biochem dept. If anyone is in Canada or coming over give me a heads up. I would love to hear from any others who were around when I was. Gillian (Harries) Cockcroft (If you want to e-mail Gillian please contact the webmaster)