The 1960's

It's been some since we had any pictures from the 1960's. Nic Pulford (Physics / Maths 1966-69) contacted the webmaster Dec 2017 with some great pictures from the College Rag week in Nic's first year, plus some pictures of football and rugby teams. I've put the pictures onto their own page, here (or click on Rag Week 1966-67 on the left).

Philip Francomb has sent to us (May 2011) a marvellous collection of pictures from about 1962.  As this page is getting busy I’ve put them on a page of their own. Philip also sent to us his year photos from 1962, 1963 and 1964, which are on the Year Photos page. And if you’re wondering is that the Philip in the pictures, below, from Elizabeth Young (nee Saunders), yes, it is!

Dave McVay contacted the webmaster at the start of 2006 having just found some picture of himself and friends taken on the roof outside 2nd West, Queen Mary Hall, in 1969/70.

Amongst the people are 2 union presidents and at least 3 members of the Exec - all in waiting, of course. And, best of all, Dave can remember just about all the names.

Back row l-r : Larry Jones*, Roger Mitchell**, Elwyn Jones (Taf), Mart Brook*, Roger Blackwell, Clive Hunt.

Front row l-r : Chris Whitman*, ‘Min’ Lawson, Mike Smith, Janet ? (later Mrs Smith), Steve Aylmer

Very back : Dave McVay**

Back row l-r : Chris WHitman*, Roger Mitchell**, Elwyn Jones, Mike Smith with wife-to-be Janet, Mart Brook*

Front row l-r : Larry Jones*, ‘Min’ Lawson, Roger Blackwell, Clive Hunt

** = Future Union president
* = Future exec member

Below is the full set of pictures Dave sent to me :

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

Dave McVay and friends, 1969/70

We are grateful to Elizabeth Young (nee Saunders, 1961-63) and Andrew Dixon (1964-68) for their pictures, below :

At the 2004 Reunion Elizabeth Young (nee Saunders) kindly gave me her pictures from her days at QEC in the early 1960’s. To start us off here are some pictures from the Commemoration Ball of 1962, and of a game of netball - do you remember the netball / tennis court?

QEC Commoration Ball 1962


QEC Jiving at the Commemoration Ball 1962


QEC Netball 1962

Below are pictures from Liz of field trips to the Basingstoke Canal. Thanks to Liz’s diligent recording, we have names of most of the people taking part.

Basingstoke canal fishing 1961

Barry fishing 1961

Pat and Gerald fishing 1961

Basingstoke canal lunch 1961

Dr Rogers and her water plants 1961

Grasshopper hunting 1961

Barry and Liz grasshopper hunting 1961

Andrew Dixon (1964 - 1968) e-mailed me some great pictures from the mid-1960’s.

I’ve sorted the images into :

Andrew is unsure of a lot of names, but I’m sure those of you who were at the College in the 1960’s can help.

Christmas Ball 1964 and Commemorative Ball 1965

Commemorative Ball 1965

Christmas Bal decoration 1964 #1

Christmas Ball decoration 1964 #2

Christmas Ball  decoration 1964 #3

Christmas Ball decoration 1964 #4

Field Courses - 1965 and 1966

Update Feb 2005 : Rod Webb has contacted me from Canada to give me some names for the photos - that’s Rod on the left in the right-hand picture, top row.

and a further update April 2005 : Eric Chantler has contacted the webmaster with more names for the Wrabness Field trip picture (bottom row, right hand picture; that’s Eric on the right)

Essex field course 1965 Jill Walker and David Crook

Field course : In the pub 1965

En-route Field Course GT Cumbrae Island 1966

Field course 1965 : Judy Canever

Wrabness field course group picture

The Pancake Race 1965

Pancake race 1965 #1

Pancake race 1965 #3

Pancake race 1965 #2


Atkins building construction 1966

R Crowther on the tennis court 1965

Mixed rugby Holland Park 1967

W H Smith 1964

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This page last updated 05 June 2011