Year photos

Way, way back in 2003 Gillian Medcalf kindly loaned me 2 of her College whole year photos from 1956 and 1957. At the time all I could do was to photo them and attempt to stitch the pictures together to recreate the whole. It didn’t work. The not long ago I bought myself a new digital camera that came with some ‘panorama’ making software and in 3 clicks of a mouse what I had failed to do in 3 years took about 1 minute to complete.

More recently Eric Chantler had sent to me a copy of his whole year photo from 1966. My technique for copying the long photos had improved by then, and the magic software stitched the separate images together brilliantly.

In May 2011 Philip Francomb sent us his Year photos from 1962, 63 and 64.

If you click on the pictures below you will load the high resolution image; they are about all large files but worth it. Enjoy!

QEC Whole Year photo May 1956

QEC May 1956

QEC Whole Year photo May 1957

QEC May 1957

Year Photo May 1962_500

QEC May 1962

Year Photo June 1963_500

QEC May 1963

Year Photo April 1964_500

QEC May 1964

QEC Whole Year photo May 1966

QEC May 1966

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This page last updated 05 June 2011